Year in books
With 2020 being a ride-off, I had planned for 2021 to be a renewal. I aimed to refocus: take care of myself, regain control of my life and do things for me.
The year started strong. I had set myself systems for healthier habits to help live my theme. Life was starting to go back to normal with an ease of restrictions, D was sleeping through on a more regular basis and adapting to a new routine, spending time with grandparents or learning to socialise with his peers at daycare. This gave me more energy to adjust to life as a "full-time working mum" and gave me some opportunity to rediscover myself with time without a baby.
But just as we started to get into the rhythm of things, the pandemic decided to bite back with a vengeance with the surge of the Covid-19 Delta strain. We were thrown into another lockdown which felt like it would never end. We all suffered in our own ways, but should all congratulate ourselves for surviving yet another rather miserable year.
It was not an easy ride, but where there is struggle, there is always an opportunity for learning and growth.
After all, it is how we overcome the challenges we face that we garner the most strength.
“It is how we overcome the challenges we face that we garner the most strength.
As I reflect upon the year, there is still much to be grateful for:
My two favourite men
The second year with D has been an unbelievably fun year as he continues to develop his interests and extends his communication. I have enjoyed bonding over our swim lessons, seeing him learn how to scooter and manoeuvre his body, watching trains and discovering our local parks.
Seeing D’s relationships with family develop, especially with his father, the love of his grandparents and interactions with his cousin. It has also been nice seeing him learn the concept of ‘friend’ and showing an interest in other children.
Having the Hubs to weather the storm with.
Having friends who remained in contact throughout the lockdown.
Having a fun group of colleagues despite spending most of our time online.
It may not have been as regular as I had hoped, but I have managed to look after my body better this year through exercise. I am no longer suffering the pains I experienced last year.
I invested in myself through reading and listening to podcasts to inspire my mind and work on my mental health. This year I have leaned into my interest in child development as well as cultural identity and social justice, in response to the issue of the growing Asian hate that emerged out of the pandemic.
“The Whole Brain Child” by Daniel J. Siegel, Tina Payne Bryson
“The Montessori Toddler” by Simone Davies
“Becoming” by Michelle Obama
“The Absorbent Mind” by Dr Maria Montessori
“No Bad Kids - Toddler Discipline Without Shame” by Janet Lansbury
“Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right” by Jamie Glowacki
“Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning” by Cathy Park Hong
“Untigering: Peaceful Parenting for the Deconstructing Tiger Parent” by Iris Chen
F*ck Saving Face - Mental and emotional health for Asian Americans and beyond.
Model Minority Moms - Conversations between 3 Asian American Harvard classmates and working mums about the meaning of success in career, family and life.
Nice White Parents - A New York Times podcast about white parents and education.
Local trips
We managed to squeeze in 3 local trips to Port Stephens and Jervis Bay.
Family trips to local playgrounds, splash parks, Sydney Zoo, visiting the Diggers Expo and the Rail Museum.
Oakvale Wildlife Park
Callala Bay
Steam train ride at the Rail Museum.
Tumbalong Park
Covid has generally kept celebratory events to a minimum but we were able to celebrate:
My parents 40th anniversary
D turning 2
4 year wedding anniversary
Christmas with the family
The Hubs got made permanent in his employment. This gave us much needed financial stability to recover from the losses of last year.
We have managed to reach all of our saving goals for this year.
Being recognised for my contributions at work.
Did my first presentation as a guest speaker at a conference, despite my hatred of public speaking.
Received feedback from other councils about how our work has inspired them and have been noted as being a leader in my field.
I haven't spent too much time on creative interests this year, but my renewed interest in my cultural heritage as I try to find ways to share it with my son, has inspired some ideas for potential personal projects.
My splurge on a new camera last year has given me the opportunity to finally learn how to shoot using manual settings and practice my photography.
“It’s been a year of recovery, a year of reflection, a year of slowing down and re-evaluating what I care about and what is important. ”
I may not have come out of this year unscathed, but I have came out better than I came in and that is as good as progress as any.